Applications for enrolment for all families seeking Foundation enrolment for the 2025 school year open on 30th April 2024. They close on Friday 28th June 2024 (if enrolments are filled).
By law, children must have turned five by the 30th April of their first year of school.
Enrolments will be allocated according to the following criteria:
By law, children must have turned five by the 30th April of their first year of school.
Enrolments will be allocated according to the following criteria:
- Children with siblings currently enrolled
- Children baptised in the Catholic Faith tradition
- Alumni families
- Baptised children of other Christian denominations who live within the school zone.
- All other children
An Enrolment Enquiry can be completed by submitting your details below. This will ensure that the family will receive any important communication or invites. We encourage you to have a good look at our school website to find out more about our school.