School Buses
St Patrick’s is serviced by two town buses and many country buses. Students are able to use the bus services to travel to and from school. The local bus company ensures that students within the town routes are picked up and dropped off close to their homes.
If you are travelling on the Country Bus go to to register.
If you are travelling on the town bus, you do not need to register.
The town bus also drops students off at the Stawell after School Care location. Students can buy weekly or daily tickets. The country bus service is co-ordinated by the Stawell Secondary College. Country students travel from St Patricks to SCC each afternoon where they are supervised by Stawell Secondary College staff for the country bus change over.
St Patrick’s has a “bus folder system” which records the names of all students who travel by bus at the start and end of each day.
Teacher supervision at St Patrick's is provided as students wait for and board their respective buses.
Bus Routes as of 1st March 2020
Bus One
Bus Two
Bus Three
If you are travelling on the Country Bus go to to register.
If you are travelling on the town bus, you do not need to register.
The town bus also drops students off at the Stawell after School Care location. Students can buy weekly or daily tickets. The country bus service is co-ordinated by the Stawell Secondary College. Country students travel from St Patricks to SCC each afternoon where they are supervised by Stawell Secondary College staff for the country bus change over.
St Patrick’s has a “bus folder system” which records the names of all students who travel by bus at the start and end of each day.
Teacher supervision at St Patrick's is provided as students wait for and board their respective buses.
Bus Routes as of 1st March 2020
Bus One
Bus Two
Bus Three