Learning and Teaching

We focus on developing the skills required for the 21st Century
At St. Patrick’s we see it as our responsibility to prepare our students for the future. Our aim is to provide our students with a solid foundation that will enable them to flourish in further education and beyond. Whilst we cannot predict with certainty what types of jobs will exist in the future, we know that students will need to have well developed skills in problem solving, project-based learning, entrepreneurship and technology. Students will need to be flexible in their approach to learning and willing to adapt to changing demands. Given this, Problem Solving, Collaboration and Inquiry Learning feature strongly in our teaching and learning programs. Our students engage in an Inquiry approach to learning where a strong emphasis is placed upon student-centred learning and the process of investigation.
Digital Technologies are incorporated into all aspects of curriculum and are well resourced at our school, with a variety of devices for all students to access and use as tools to support their learning. Students have access to IPADS, Chromebooks, Coding technologies and Robotics. Our students are taught how to begin using technology in order to develop the right digital skills that will prepare them for a variety of educational and work environments, whether physical or virtual. Students at St. Patrick’s learn how to communicate ideas through codes and symbols, they learn about programming concepts, computational thinking, digital citizenship and creating digital solutions.
At St. Patrick’s we see it as our responsibility to prepare our students for the future. Our aim is to provide our students with a solid foundation that will enable them to flourish in further education and beyond. Whilst we cannot predict with certainty what types of jobs will exist in the future, we know that students will need to have well developed skills in problem solving, project-based learning, entrepreneurship and technology. Students will need to be flexible in their approach to learning and willing to adapt to changing demands. Given this, Problem Solving, Collaboration and Inquiry Learning feature strongly in our teaching and learning programs. Our students engage in an Inquiry approach to learning where a strong emphasis is placed upon student-centred learning and the process of investigation.
Digital Technologies are incorporated into all aspects of curriculum and are well resourced at our school, with a variety of devices for all students to access and use as tools to support their learning. Students have access to IPADS, Chromebooks, Coding technologies and Robotics. Our students are taught how to begin using technology in order to develop the right digital skills that will prepare them for a variety of educational and work environments, whether physical or virtual. Students at St. Patrick’s learn how to communicate ideas through codes and symbols, they learn about programming concepts, computational thinking, digital citizenship and creating digital solutions.